Spices are one of the most important ingredients in Indian dishes. Indian Spices have been popular across the world for their unique flavor, aroma, and beautiful texture. Thus, the export of spices from India has increased substantially.Hareen Foods believe that Indian culture and our unique spices in India should reach each corner of the world. Hareen is one of the leading export companies for the export of Indian spices. They are whole spice exporters, export numerous spices including turmeric, Star anise, Cinnamon, Asafoetida, Nutmeg, cumin, black pepper, and many more. So we planned to build the brand to convey the traits of quality and freshness. Our purpose is to make people realize that this is a food-related company when they first see it. And also we concentrate on the style of the brand. Because we are living in the modern world and the identity, sustainable all the time. Next, our main focus is brand color. We choose the Colors that exude a pleasant feeling.

good communication
Great designer, good communication, files delivered in the requested format, and went the extra mile to create the versions we needed for each member of the team. Highly recommended!
BALASUBRAMANIAMManaging Director, Hareen