Brand Naming Form

Please fill in all questions carefully. Remember that it is very important that we can understand, as completely as possible, about your business.

    1. Who is your target audience ? *

    2. In which language you want us to suggest the names ? *

    3. Brief details of Company / Products / Services offered? *

    4. Write down the name of your primary competitors: *

    5. Are there business name ideas that you’ve already considered and dismissed? If so, why?

    6. Are there any words or phrases that MUST BE included in your name? *

    7. Do you have any words or phrases that you MIGHT LIKE included in your name? *

    8. Are there any words or phrases that you DO NOT want to see included in your name?

    9. Mention here the name that impressed you the most*

    10. With which adjectives would you describe your company? *

    11. On a scale from 1 (low) to 7 (high), consider what type of names you would like us to develop *

    12. For what, you want us to suggest a name (Company or Brand), please choose one ? *

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